While it’s no longer news, it’s still shockingly unbelievable that President Obama and the P5+1 group (United States, United Kingdom, Russia, China, France and Germany), have agreed to a nuclear deal with Iran; the world’s largest supporter and exporter of terror. Iran currently has a nuclear program in place and, despite denials from the White House, this new deal has opened a pathway for Iran to enrich weapons-grade uranium and be ready with a nuclear bomb in ten years or less. Furthermore, part of the nuclear deal will lift current economic sanctions resulting in a windfall to Iran in excess of one hundred and fifty billion dollars.
One can hardly call this a “deal” in that, despite White House rhetoric, a “deal” is defined as an agreement reached by two or more parties for their mutual benefit. In the case of the Iranian nuclear deal, Iran gets all the tangibles while America, Israel and the rest of the free world get only promises from those known to have lying lips. When a negotiating partner threatens their opponent with death, that’s not diplomacy. That’s intimidation. Throughout the process as the P5+1 were sitting around the “negotiating” table with Iran, the Iranian people were in the streets declaring and chanting “Death to America” and “Death to Israel.” What part of that did the P5+1 not understand?
Like it or not, the weak leaders of the West concluded a weak deal with Iran. What were Obama, Kerry and the others thinking when deadline after deadline was missed and pushed back? Couldn’t they see that their lack of strength and their watery actions and convictions conveyed to the world a “please, pretty please” attitude of appeasement toward Iran? In the eyes of the world, they were not negotiating a deal with Iran but rather begging Iran for a deal, any deal.
In the agreement reached there is no guarantee of anything for any of the players except the Iranians who gained the complete advantage over everyone. Going forward, watching the Middle East will be like watching a chess match with a series of moves unpredictable at present. It would be expected for the other Middle Eastern countries to immediately consider defensive moves in order to keep ahead of the potential weaponization of Iran. In simple terms, this means an arms race by unstable governments and/or terrorist regimes but it’s more than just a potential for a nuclear arms race; it’s the escalation of production of medium and long range missiles that may or may not accompany possession of a nuclear bomb. Such weapons in the hands of people with a mindset of destruction would not be for defensive purposes but rather offensive thus conferring more instability in the Middle East and beyond.
In such a climate, alliances for protection will be difficult to achieve and the U.S. will find it difficult to protect its allies. This leaves Israel in quite a quandary. How does this a tiny nation defend itself against such potential outside aggression? Anti-Semitism is on the rise worldwide making it common to hear public rants of “Death to the Jews,” “Death to Israel.” In fact, many Palestinians and others in the Middle East would just assume the annihilation of the Jews once an arms race is underway.
Furthermore, the nuclear deal with Iran does not help the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. In fact it makes it more difficult. Any and every country needs space or land mass to protect itself. Having defensible borders is nonnegotiable. Indeed, all the land that Israel presently possesses was gained from prior acts of aggression against the tiny Jewish state from which she emerged victorious.
Israel can no longer rely on the United States for support or protection. Ideologies can change as is apparent in the present relationship between the U.S. and Israel. Those who truly embrace freedom and democracy and who understand the very real Islamic goal of world domination are confused about the stance of Obama and the American government. This is true within and outside of the United States of America.
Israel has no choice but to bolster its own defenses, hunker down and resolve not give up land for any reason. The instability in the Middle East is not getting any better and the future is very unpredictable. Iran proved to be very resourceful in building a nuclear infrastructure with limited funding. If sanctions are lifted, what will Iran do with the more than one hundred and fifty billion dollar windfall? O“bomb”a’s legacy may prove to be more explosive than he ever imagined.